Friday, April 11, 2014


Wow, I cannot believe how long it has been since I last posted. My life has been pretty crazy :) School started for me and just basically took over my life!!! But with the summer semester coming up I plan on Blogging like CRAZY! I have seen so many great shows that I feel it is my duty to tell all of you out there about them! Now I am going to post about all of the ones that I have seen... some were definately better than others, and you are going to notice that I tend to lean towards a few actors/ actress's. :) (Don't worry you will love them too) I made a list of all the Dramas I am going to Blog about and the total count is...35!! And I even have a huge list of ones I still need to watch! But don't worry, I will blog about the most recent ones and work my way back! :) Enjoy!

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