Friday, April 11, 2014

Emergency Couple

While in their early twenties, a medical school student, Oh Chang-min (Choi Jin-Hyuk) , and a dietitian, Oh Jin-hee (Song Ji-Hyo) , fall in love and marry despite his family's strong opposition. Chang-min comes from a family of wealthy, successful doctors; they think Jin-hee isn't good enough for him, and after he marries her, they cut him off without a cent. In order to earn money right away, Chang-min gives up his dream of becoming a doctor, and instead becomes a pharmaceutical salesman. He is miserable at his job, while Jin-hee's inferiority complex deepens as her husband's family continues to look down on her. They begin to fight constantly and eventually get a divorce. Six years later, Chang-min has gone back to med school to pursue his dream, while Jin-hee has also put herself through med school. They end up as interns at the same hospital, where they'll have to work in the emergency room together for three months.

Hahaha I loved this so much! Choi Jin-Hyuk is definitely one of my favorite actors. Up until now I have only ever seen him play serious roles. In this drama he is completely different, you see a side of him that will completely astound you! He is adorable, sexy, charming, and hilariously comical. I fell in LOVE with his character!!!!
Song Ji-Hyo

Song Ji-Hyo! This is my first time seeing her act in anything and I am now a fan! She did an amazing job! I am definitely looking forward to seeing her in more dramas!

There were so many moments in this show that I found myself rolling on the floor with laughter or making a mad dash for the tissues in my bag.

To be honest I was a little hesitant about watching this show for the reason that I am such a wuss when it comes to anything having to do with bodily functions or problems. For a show mainly focused in the ER they did a fabulous job of making it bearable to watch! They only showed a little blood :)

I really loved all of the supporting leads in this show! It was really entertaining to watch them all! Each one had a great story and definitely contributed to this show.

The only thing that I have to say about this show is that I felt the ending was rushed. While watching the last episode (At the time I had no idea it was the last one) I was so confused and didn't understand what was going on when the credits rolled on and the bloopers. I was a little disappointed and wished they would have done at least one more episode! I was definitely left wanting just a little more! But, DO NOT LET THAT STOP YOU from watching this show! It was ABSOLUTELY worth it!

I would give this a...

3 1/2 stars!!!

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