- Seriously who doesn't LOVE him?!?!? He has done so many different kinds of dramas and has played so many different characters! Did you know that he put out a Fan album? Now he is NOT a singer. This is something that I completely love him for. He made an album for his fans. Not because he is trying to cross over and become a singer/ actor/ dancer but for his fans! He doesn't care about that and in all honestly doesn't need that! But the first time that I heard his voice I was completely drawn in to the soothing honey sound of his voice. I really love to listen to him sing, "My Everything" and "Painful Love". If you haven't heard them go!! They are really good!
- Okay I LOVE HIS FACE! I know that sounds so shallow, and it really kind of is. But he is so cute!!!!! I fell in love with him in Dream High and have been a consistent follower/ fan since.
- I first saw him in Boys Over Flowers and was intrigued and watched him in couple of different shows then fell in love with his singing group SS501. I think my favorite song would have to be, "Love Ya". I am currently watching him in, "Inspiring Generation".
- Two words. HIS VOICE! I don't know why but I am completely in love with his deep voice! If you haven't caught him in his most recent drama, "Emergency Couple" drop everything and go watch it now!!!!!!!! His face and character are just the most precious thing I have ever seen!!
5. Jung Yong Hwa
- First and foremost I fell in love with his music. He is the lead vocalist in the group CN BLUE. Then I found out he was an actor and followed him from there.
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