Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Master's Sun!!!!
PLOT: Joo Joong Won (So Ji Sub) is a cold and ambitious CEO, who measures all human relationships through money. Tae Gong Shil (Gong Hyo Jin) is a woman who suffers from insomnia, due to her ability to see ghosts after an accident in which she was in a coma for 3 years. Joong Won eventually learns to trust Gong Shil and falls in love with her.
Joo Joong Won and Tae Gong Shil have so much chemistry in this show that you could almost feel the sparks in the air! They were are perfect fit! They are charming and sweet!
When you first meet Tae Gong Shil you are little freaked out by her... she talks to herself and sees the creepiest ghosts. But as the show goes on you fall in love with her strange ways and come to love her as she is.
One thing I loved about her character is how hard to she tried to become someone worthy of Joo Joong Won, but she never tried to be anything more than who she is.

Joo Joong Won is a cold- hearted CEO who is only worried about money, and the only relationships he has with people are ones that profit his business and help him make more money. When Tae Gong Shil comes into his life she starts to break him down piece by piece and unknowingly changes him into a loving, thoughtful, devoted, and protective person. Someone who is finally worthy of Tae Gong Shil, his Sun.
Their journey together is irresistible and captivating and will enthrall you from the very beginning. I know that you will love this show as much as I did!!!!
This show gets a well deserved.....
Monday, October 7, 2013
I cannot tell you how excited I am for this show, it is probably the most awaited show of 2013! I am especially excited to have Lee Min-Ho and Park Shin-Hye in the SAME DRAMA!!!!! They are 2 of my favorite actors!!!! And of course, Choi Jin-Hyuk!
This is supposed to be a Korean Gossip Girl, so I have heard! Well I have high hopes and can't wait to watch!!!
WOW!! It has been forever since I last posted anything! Sorry about that college life can be seriously demanding. :) Well here are the shows that I have been watching and will be posting about soon!
-Masters Sun
-Who are You*
-Gu Family Book
*Who are you, is still airing but I am going to post about it anyway and give you my thoughts so far!
Monday, August 5, 2013
Arang and the Magistrate
Arang and the Magistrate
I just need to start out and say how much I LOVED this drama. I was hesitant at first because of the whole ghost thing. I'm not really into that, but despite that I had heard great reviews so I went ahead and watched. IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!!!!
This drama had so much plot! It sounds funny when I say that but that is the best way I can think of to put it. The way it unravels and the mysteries that are solved is so intense. They provide answers through the whole show and always keep you waiting on your toes for the next reveal. There is never a moment in the story you felt like it lagged. The writers did an amazing job. Everything took place at the perfect time. Every episode has its importance, every character is important, everything they do is important, and my favorite part is THERE ARE NO USELESS PEOPLE.
Each character has so much depth. I really liked how they took the time to explain everyone. There is so much character development!!! ( For those who know me I am a big stickler about this. It bothers me to no end when characters don't change at all.) I felt like the actors and actresses in this show were so well cast , everyone played there parts so well.
There were a few things that I thought were a little hokey, but that is to be expected. But honestly they were hilarious. The one thing I have always disliked and am always so annoyed when they do it is when people, "fly". They are on the floor and suddenly jump an impossible height up to the second floor or jump over high fences and land perfectly on the other side. It is so unrealistic and totally ridiculous! They do that a couple of times in this show. (Sorry for the rant but I had to get it out)
Alright so here is my breakdown...
When you meet our leading lady, Arang, you are kinda like, "What?". She caught me off guard, but I instantly liked her. She is strong willed, blunt, persistent, cheerful, and comical. She is very beautiful, even as a ghost. Her attitude, and persistence to figuring out who she is and how she died is amazing. As the story unfolds and she slowly starts to figure out who she is, you can't help but be amazed at the twists and turns her life takes.
The Magistrate. Two words, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!!!! When you first meet him he is a stuck up jerk, with not a care in the world but for himself and his problems, but as Arang slowly but accidentally worms her way into his heart he becomes a man worth admiring. His whole personality does a complete 360! His determination to make sure Arang gets to heaven is so inspiring.
Arang and the Magistrate go through so much together. They constantly overcome impossible things to find the answers to their questions. As their love begins you can't help but love the Magistrate, his jealousy is so sweet and cute, but the pain that it brings Arang as she find that she loves him knowing that she loves him and should reject him for his own good is so heartbreaking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hades/ The Great Jade Emperor, what a hoot. Now it doesn't explain this is the show but they are actually twins. The reason that Hades looks so much older is because, 'he worries to much'! I love the connection that they have with each other! It was interesting how they played Go and bet with each other all the time. As the show goes on and you realized how involved they are in everything, you are continually astounded by them.
Dolsoe/ Shaman were the best comedy relief in a show I have seen in a long time. They were fantastic! I love Dolsoe's love for the magistrate and his loyalty. He is always looking out for him. The Shaman was hilarious! Her ability to see/hear ghosts going funky all the time was great. I thought that they way these two end up at the end of the show was SO PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright now for the evils... the Madam/evil lady was so GOOD!!!!! She was so mysterious and dark and cunning. The mysteries surrounding her are so enticing they draw you in and make you want to know everything! Lord Choi is great as the bad guy. You loathe him the entire time and are so glad when karma catches up to him.
As I had said before I always root for the underdog. Juwal's character left me feeling so many emotions. I would hate him, then love him. I would pity him, then wish they would kill him off, but then love him again. You feel terrible for him and the life path he stumbled into. Towards the end of the show he will completely win you over and your heart goes out to him and you want to hug him and tell him everything is going to be okay. And tell him to run away from all the evil and crazy people.
I LOVED THE ENDING TO THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!! They did an amazing job of closing the show, everyone who deserved a happy ending got one. I was a little taken back by how Arang and the Magistrate finally ended up together but I loved it. I am completely in love with this show. It is mystery, romance, and revenge, intensely wrapped up in an intricately woven tale, that will steal your heart.
This gets an insanely well deserved...
Saturday, July 20, 2013
K-Pop Extreme Survival
K- Pop Extreme Survival
Okay just a heads up for everyone, this show was cut short two episodes and therefore has a beyond sucky ending!!! I am going to tell you though that it was a great show but had the worst ending ever!!!!! So here is my breakdown...
The beginning of this show was very comical and gave you a pretty good idea of the comedy that lies in wait for you!
When you first meet our leading lady, Seung Yeon, you instantly fall in love with her. Her personality is very different from most leading ladies in other dramas. She is very spunky, tough, cute, exciting, and very fun.
The other leading man you meet is Ji Woo. He is a shy, sweet, loving, but very unconfident in himself. He has a very strong, sweet, and caring relationship with Ji Seung Yeon. Ji Seung Yeon often calls Ji Woo her wife because he is everything she isn't. It is almost as if Ji Woo is the girl and Ji Seung Yeon is the boy. Don't get me wrong though Ji Woo is very manly too, just not all the time! :)
Next you meet the Juniors!!! Oh how I love them! They are all very different and very fun!!! It is a group of 8 "boys" who are going through a "elimination" of sorts to find out who is the top 4. Then those top 4 join the big and famous M2 group. As a group they go through a lot of struggles and rough patches, even when the different members were going through rough patches they always stuck together and supported each other, even though they were competing against each other. I really liked that! Especially after they found out Seung Yeon was a girl! It took them a bit but they were awesome!
Alright! Its time for the main leading man.... Woo Hyun!!! When you first meet him he is a total jerk!!! I absolutely loved to hate him. When Woo Hyun and Seung Yeon first meet it is gross but kinda funny, and I think that describes their relationship perfectly until Woo Hyun finds out she is actually a girl!
As their friendship grows so does Woo Hyun. His character development is amazing! He goes from cold and cruel to soft, sweet, and seriously charming. After he found out about her being a girl, I was so impressed at his forgiveness, it was not what I was expecting. Their romance after that, although short was very sweet and cute. It was pretty cheesy but I loved it. I also loved how persistent Woo Hyun was with Seung Yeon,
he never gave up. I Loved it!
Alright, now for what I didn't like about this show. I usually don't have any but there are a few....
1. How the show ended.
I know that they cut the series short two episodes but still, they spent so much time on useless stuff that they left no room for the important stuff. Like the flashback of the Juniors past. That took up time they could have spent on other stuff like... How did they fans react once they found out she was a girl? How did the Juniors end up? Did they form their own group or were some eliminated and the rest made M2? How about Team Leader Han? There was just too many stories left unfinished.
2. What was with the flower girl?
I seriously find no point with this. I know she played a little part in making Team Leader Han want to leave but that could have been accomplished differently. The whole thing was really weird.
This is so dumb. Why would you have wasted time with this? It is so pointless and does nothing for the story line. It would have changed nothing if they had left it out, which they should have.
4. Ji Woo...
I am one of those people who always roots for the underdog so I was a little annoyed that they never gave Ji Woo another love interest. How did he end? Was he always pinning for Seung Yeon? Did he always stay by her side as a friend because he could never be more?
Well that's it for me. I really did enjoy this show up to the last episode. The music was also really great. Most of the people who sang or play instruments are Idols themselves so that was pretty cool. The audition part of this show was fun because of all the different music. If you are looking for some mindless comedy with and easy story line to follow and some good music but don't mind the completely absurd ending, go for it!
If they had finished it like they should have I would given this a 3 out of 5 stars but since they didn't, I am going to give it a....
Monday, July 15, 2013
City Hunter
City Hunter
When you
first meet the leading lady, Kim Nana, you are instantly enchanted by
her. Her love for her father is truly admirable. You also cannot help but
love her spunky and confident attitude, not to mention her beauty.
The male
lead Yoon-Sung / Buchai , you instantly love as well. Preparing to deal out his revenge he learns a lot about the
world but at the same time is naïve and ignorant to so many things. As he
unravels the secrets of his past you can't help but feel sadness for what has
happened to him and the path that he was put on.
are quite a bit of fight scenes in this show and Yoon-Sung's skills as a fighter leave nothing to be
desired. He Leaps, and flies, and soars all without breaking a sweat.
Jin Pyo/
Steve Lee plays the ultimate bad guy. His motive for vengeance so strong
that his desire to kill overcomes all. As the father and sons plan for
revenge plays out lots of twists and turns begin to unfold and eventually they
play on opposite teams. Bae Man-duk/Bae Shik-joong who plays a sort
of mother figure to Yoon-Sung is the perfect partner in crime. The sheer
cunning of their plans and actions that follow are amazing. The way the two
whisper back and forth is hilarious.
I really enjoyed
Prosecutor Kim Young Joo's journey through this show. The pain, heart ache, and
growth he goes through to reveal the truth and catch the City Hunter is truly
admirable. Then by making the ultimate sacrifice
he becomes a hero of justice.
As Kim
Nana and Yoon-Sungs lives begin to collide, they are very cold and stand off-ish
to one another. As the show progresses they begin to have feelings for one
another and they start a back a forth banter of feelings and emotions ,although
they try to hide it from one another. The first time that they kiss I was
caught completely off guard, it was very cute but totally unexpected. As
the rest of their story continues to unfold, their struggles to save their love
begin to seem impossible.
As this
story comes to a close , the sorrow and tragedy it brings is truly
heartbreaking, but has a beautiful and moving ending.
show was intense, action packed, full of forbidden love , and passion. The
struggles of the individual characters to achieve their goals is thrilling and
heart wrenching all at the same time. This show has it all. I really
enjoyed this show and hope that you will too!!!!
I would
give this a a very well deserved...
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Playful kiss
Playful Kiss
Oh Ha Ni is a sweet lively and happy high school student yet she is definitely not the sharpest crayon in the box.She has a crush on Baek Seung Jo, the smartest boy in school despite being chased loyally by Bong Joon Gu herself. When she confesses to Seung Jo through a letter, he brings it back to her, after grading it harshly and commenting that he hates stupid girls.When Oh Ha Ni's new house suddenly collapses her father's friend offers for him and Ha Ni to stay with them. Unknown to Ha Ni, her father's friend is actually Baek Seung Jo's dad.As they continue to live under the same roof and attend Parang University together, Ha Ni continues to show affection for Seung Jo although he seems to be more interested in the equally clever and beautiful Yoon Hae Ra.
I have got to say that this is in my top 5 of TV shows that I have ever watched!!!!! This show is also known as Mischievous Kiss, and it is rightfully named too! This show and I had a wonderful love hate relationship throughout the series. Then male lead in this show Baek Seung Jo, is a very smart and talented boy who is incessantly chased by the sweet and innocent Oh Ha Ni. Despite her steadfast and undying loyalty to Baek Seung Jo she is constantly rejected by him and is subjected to the cruel and heartless side of his personality. For this reason, my love for this show was always on the rocks. His endless torments and nasty words towards Oh Han Ni annoyed me, but for some reason I could not tear myself away from it, I was completely captured by this show. Every time he would repent by being nice to Oh Han Ni I would forgive him and get right back to loving this show.

This show never left me wanting more. It has a magical and whimsical start, which at first I was like, "What is this? This is not what I want!". But I pushed through it and was so happy that I did. The characters in this show were very comical and entertaining. I especially loved Baek Seung Jo's mother. She was hilarious. Her meddling and constant sneaking around left me thoroughly entertained.
I have to tell you that the love triangles in this show were unbelievably charming. Everyone of them lovable in their own ways. I couldn't decide which ones I wanted to root for! (Little tip about me, I am always silently rooting for the underdog!)
Bong Joon Gu stole my heart from the minute I saw him! I loved his growth throughout this whole show. He went from a hopeless romantic (kinda weird) high school-er with not thoughts or plans for the future to a successful, thoughtful, caring and wonderful person.

I cannot on the other hand say the same for anyone else in this show. That to me was of the things I did not like. The two main characters had no personal growth at all. They never changed, especially Baek Seung Jo! I was so hoping for him to suddenly become the prince charming that Oh Han Ni deserved. But he didn't. (And I still liked the ending!) Overall I really loved this show and I was in LOVE with the chemistry between the leads two leads in this show.
I would give this an awesome...
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Alright, this is the moment that you have been waiting for.... THE LIST!!!!!!!!!! I have watched a ton of K-Dramas and these are a list of my favorites and the ones in red are my absolute favorites. I beg of you to try it before you judge. Seriously you won't regret it!!!!!!!!!!!
Romantic Comedies
Your Beautiful
The playful Kiss
Coffee Prince
Mary stayed out all
My Princess
Shut Up Flower Boy
Listen to my heart
Boys before Flowers
To the Beautiful You
Love Rain
My Girl
Personal Taste
(WARNING: if you are not in the habit of giggling with pure excitement and giddiness get ready.)
Okay So next in my list is Action. Now all of these have a little romance in them, some more than others but it is still there. I have to tell you first of all that these are incredible and the fight scenes are amazing! My favorite on this List is City Hunter. I will do a post about this show later just because it is so amazing!
Secret Garden
City Hunter
Queen and I
Here are a couple others I love that are a mix of both!
I miss you
Dream High ( this one has some awesome music in it!)
I am an addict
I am an Netflix addict. There I said it. They say the first step to recovery is realizing you have a problem.
But in my case I don't think I will recover anytime soon. :) I will seriously sit for like an hour browsing through the Netflix list just to find something to watch. It is so bad. Like I said before I am an addict. I am also a huge fan of Hulu. I actually don't have cable anymore, so Hulu is awesome! Not only does it have current shows but past shows too!!!!!!!!! So try them both out!!!!!!!!!!
Okay seriously I loved this show! It was so cute and sweet, I was never bored and the chemistry between these two was great! The music was also really great! This show made me laugh, cry, smile and just about every emotion possible. WATCH IT!!!!!!!!!!!
It give it a....
To the Beautiful You
To the Beautiful You
The series centers on Goo Jae Hee, a Korean girl who lives in the United States. One day, she sees a track and field competition on TV, and becomes attracted to one of the high jump competitors, Kang Tae Joon. She begins to idolize the young athlete and eventually transfers to Korea to attend the same school that Tae Joon attends after he suffers an accident that could potentially end his career. There is a catch, however: Tae Joon attends an all-boys high school and Jae Hee must disguise herself as a boy to enter.
Okay so I LOVED this show! I highly recommend it to anyone! The fact that she is a girl in an all boys school first of all is hilarious. And of course the fact that she lives with a boy in a dorm room trying to hide to it from him and is successful. This show is so cute and charming and I loved every minute of it! I highly recommend it to anyone looking to watch something light and fun and sure to make you laugh!
I would give this a ...
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