Arang and the Magistrate
I just need to start out and say how much I LOVED this drama. I was hesitant at first because of the whole ghost thing. I'm not really into that, but despite that I had heard great reviews so I went ahead and watched. IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!!!!
This drama had so much plot! It sounds funny when I say that but that is the best way I can think of to put it. The way it unravels and the mysteries that are solved is so intense. They provide answers through the whole show and always keep you waiting on your toes for the next reveal. There is never a moment in the story you felt like it lagged. The writers did an amazing job. Everything took place at the perfect time. Every episode has its importance, every character is important, everything they do is important, and my favorite part is THERE ARE NO USELESS PEOPLE.
Each character has so much depth. I really liked how they took the time to explain everyone. There is so much character development!!! ( For those who know me I am a big stickler about this. It bothers me to no end when characters don't change at all.) I felt like the actors and actresses in this show were so well cast , everyone played there parts so well.
There were a few things that I thought were a little hokey, but that is to be expected. But honestly they were hilarious. The one thing I have always disliked and am always so annoyed when they do it is when people, "fly". They are on the floor and suddenly jump an impossible height up to the second floor or jump over high fences and land perfectly on the other side. It is so unrealistic and totally ridiculous! They do that a couple of times in this show. (Sorry for the rant but I had to get it out)
Alright so here is my breakdown...
When you meet our leading lady, Arang, you are kinda like, "What?". She caught me off guard, but I instantly liked her. She is strong willed, blunt, persistent, cheerful, and comical. She is very beautiful, even as a ghost. Her attitude, and persistence to figuring out who she is and how she died is amazing. As the story unfolds and she slowly starts to figure out who she is, you can't help but be amazed at the twists and turns her life takes.
The Magistrate. Two words, CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT!!!!!!! When you first meet him he is a stuck up jerk, with not a care in the world but for himself and his problems, but as Arang slowly but accidentally worms her way into his heart he becomes a man worth admiring. His whole personality does a complete 360! His determination to make sure Arang gets to heaven is so inspiring.
Arang and the Magistrate go through so much together. They constantly overcome impossible things to find the answers to their questions. As their love begins you can't help but love the Magistrate, his jealousy is so sweet and cute, but the pain that it brings Arang as she find that she loves him knowing that she loves him and should reject him for his own good is so heartbreaking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hades/ The Great Jade Emperor, what a hoot. Now it doesn't explain this is the show but they are actually twins. The reason that Hades looks so much older is because, 'he worries to much'! I love the connection that they have with each other! It was interesting how they played Go and bet with each other all the time. As the show goes on and you realized how involved they are in everything, you are continually astounded by them.
Dolsoe/ Shaman were the best comedy relief in a show I have seen in a long time. They were fantastic! I love Dolsoe's love for the magistrate and his loyalty. He is always looking out for him. The Shaman was hilarious! Her ability to see/hear ghosts going funky all the time was great. I thought that they way these two end up at the end of the show was SO PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright now for the evils... the Madam/evil lady was so GOOD!!!!! She was so mysterious and dark and cunning. The mysteries surrounding her are so enticing they draw you in and make you want to know everything! Lord Choi is great as the bad guy. You loathe him the entire time and are so glad when karma catches up to him.
As I had said before I always root for the underdog. Juwal's character left me feeling so many emotions. I would hate him, then love him. I would pity him, then wish they would kill him off, but then love him again. You feel terrible for him and the life path he stumbled into. Towards the end of the show he will completely win you over and your heart goes out to him and you want to hug him and tell him everything is going to be okay. And tell him to run away from all the evil and crazy people.
I LOVED THE ENDING TO THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!! They did an amazing job of closing the show, everyone who deserved a happy ending got one. I was a little taken back by how Arang and the Magistrate finally ended up together but I loved it. I am completely in love with this show. It is mystery, romance, and revenge, intensely wrapped up in an intricately woven tale, that will steal your heart.
This gets an insanely well deserved...